Who Makes ieGeek Cameras? – The answer may surprise you!

who makes ieGeek

ieGeek is a hugely popular brand on Amazon. With over four and a half thousand positive reviews for a single camera alone. You can see that this brand has experienced massive success and growth over the past few years. 

But who exactly is ieGeek?!

In this article we attempt to answer that question and pull the curtain back from just exactly who this massive successful security camera brand is. After reading it, you will have a greater understanding of just exactly who this company is and whether you should place your trust in this company’s products.

I’ve tried to keep this article as factually based as possible and to be sparing on opinion and speculation as I think including too much conjecture can cloud the waters. So here are the facts and I’ll let you make your own conclusions.

Who makes ieGeek cameras? ieGeek is a brand of security camera that has existed since 2005. According to their website, the company is based in Shenzhen, China. While their product line is focused primarily on security cameras, they also make a range of other products, such as DVD players with built in screens and battery chargers.

Okay, that’s a quick explanation, but as we dive in you will realise there’s a lot more to it than that…

Where are the ieGeek headquarters?

That’s an excellent question and unfortunately I can’t give you a clear answer. From the company’s website they appear to be based in Shenzhen which is a major industrial region in China. However, when I put the address into Google Maps. I can only go as far as to say that I can pinpoint the district in Shenzhen. But can’t identify their specific offices.

This might have a be due to Google having incomplete Maps of this area and business addresses. After all, China is constantly evolving and new properties go up all the time.

What’s In Their Product Catalogue? 

It goes without saying that the majority of ieGeeks products are centered towards home security cameras.

When you peruse the ieGeek website and look on the product section, it’s split into three categories.

  • Home security 
  • Sound and Audio
  • Entertainment 

When you dive into these sub categories, you quickly realised that the lion’s share of the products are in the home security category. The products on that page are predominantly motorised security cameras that allow a range of mechanical movement with a few static cameras as well.

There was however, a couple of interesting products focussed towards training dogs. I’m not quite sure how they work. But they look interesting and I’m a little confused why they were in their home security section but there you are.

In the sound and audio section, there’s confusingly several products around what I think are portable DVD players with built in screens. I’m not sure why these are put under the category of sound and audio. I suspect that is possibly a consequence of a poor translation through my web browser and actually means sound and vision. But I could be wrong though.

Finally, under the entertainment category, there appears to be only two products. One water purifier and the other one is what I think is a battery charger for vape pens. 

This is confusing, right?

Put simply, the website is a mess and the products that category page is all over the place.

Where Can You Learn More about ieGeek?

Their website

The website is average in terms of quality. I’m not sure if its meant for a western audience since my web browser asks me to translate it from Japanese to English. Which is even more confusing as I thought this was a Chinese base company?

So it’s best not to critique the quality of the writing on the about page of their site, since its the browser doing the translation and its not full proof. 

The about page mostly talks about the age of the company, the years of R&D involved in creating their products and the various processes they employ in their products manufacturing. 

Their facebook page

The other resource that I could find on the web in reference to their company was the official Facebook page for ieGeek cameras. It’s pretty sparse and again as poorly put together, if not worse than the company’s own website! 

There’s just a smattering of posts on there that are regularly published. The gap between the latest one in July and the previous one is about nine months. So I’m not sure if this page is maintained for all.

YouTube video

There are a smattering of YouTube videos on ieGeek. From what I can tell, reviewing the very same camera that I purchased a while ago. Which is a fixed position IP camera that requires a micro SD card. They are non official, they’re just regular customers who purchased them and decided to create a review.

There doesn’t appear to be an official ieGeek YouTube channel.

What about contacting their support…

Disclaimer here I’ve never attempted to contact ieGeeks customer support. So I can’t personally comment on how effective they are.

What I can say though, is that they’re not shy about leaving details of how to contact them via email.

Both the official website for ieGeek and the Facebook page clearly list the email address for ieGeeks customer service. I’ve listed them below, so if you wanted to contact them for whatever reason then you can.

[email protected]


Incidentally, if you do have any experience with ieGeeks customer support, then send me an email and let me know what your experiences were. I’ll include them as a quote in this article at a later date.

What Do I Think?

It’s tempting to go into conjecture and speculation at this point. I’m going to resist and I’m gonna instead. Come at this at a different angle. The products that ieGeek offer are on the lower end of the market, in terms of price range. 

If you wanted to purchase a more recognisable brand such as EUFY, RING Blink. All of which are owned by larger US corporations and find comfort in the knowledge that more information is available for these companies. 

Then I’d advise to look elsewhere than ieGeek.

For me, if I’m purchasing a security camera then the word security is paramount. For that reason, I would be more inclined to purchase from a recognisable brand that puts emphasis on encryption and data security than a budget brand that as far as I can tell, has no mention of data security in their company philosophy.

I think this range of products catered towards buyers who are budget conscious and are willing to make a few compromises. So I’d recommend if you do decide to buy products made by ieGeek then consider the positives and negatives.

Okay, that’s it for this article. Hope you enjoyed it and if you want to learn more about home security, Smart Home and Smart lights. Then checkout our various sections on the website and if you want to read more about ieGeek cameras and user guides, we’ve also got a few of those as well.

Thanks for reading and if you found this useful, please share out to other people.

If you’re interesting in reading more about ieGeek cameras then checkout our articles on:

How to switch ieGeek to WIFI

How to setup ieGeek cameras

ieGeek Cameras TERRIBLE Security – A Detailed Investigation

How to reset ieGeek cameras


That’s it for this article. I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you think it might be useful for someone else then please share it on social media, email or your own website! It really encourages us to write more content and grow the site!

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Steve Foster

Suburbanite, tech geek, handy man, automation enthusiast who started blogging about the stuff I do around my home and found he had a knack for it.

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